
Anchor Text Basics

An Anchor Text is a piece of text that is used to describe a link.

Most people view it as a way to simply improve the appearance of their links; however, Anchor text is one of the most fundamental yet misunderstood aspects of search engine optimization. While anchor texts do shorten your links and make them look more attractive, they also serve an even deeper purpose for search engine optimization.

I ran across a great back to basics blog post on Anchor Text by Ana Hoffman of where she shares a tutorial to help you utilize this functionality correctly to start seeing the power of Anchor Text working to increase your ranking for your online business today.   Check it out ==> Anchor Text Tutorial

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21 Responses

  1. Hi Laura,

    Really excellent article. That’s true, anchor text is more than just the appearance of a link it can be used for our SEO as well as described by Ana.

    Thank you for clearing this up for most of us.

  2. Hey Laura,

    “What is Anchor Text” is a question that I get a lot when we are talking about keywords and SEO. Ana’s article on Anchor Text is the most clear and detailed review that I have seen to date. She did an awesome job and I may just refer people to Ana’s site when I’m asked that question again!

    Thanks for the resource Laura,


  3. Laura,

    Thanks for sharing this information. I’m always looking to do more and improve things. SEO is definitely an important part of optimizing one’s site and I could always do better. This info will help me do so.

  4. Laura,

    For the longest time when I first started learning how to market online… anchor text was like a different language to me… in fact, it was! 😀

    But now, it’s one of the most common things I do with my marketing efforts today. Having the proper anchor text helps in your SEO and in helping your reader to absorbe your message.


  5. Laura-
    Thank you for this informative post. I knew about anchor texts, but I did not know there were rules to it! Thanks for opening my eyes to the rules of anchor texts, I am going to really pay attention to this now!

  6. Hi Laura,

    “An Anchor Text is a piece of text that is used to describe a link.”

    This is the simplest, most straightforward explanation I’ve ever seen for what an anchor text is. Thanks for writing this, and for directing us to Ana’s article on it. Very helpful. 🙂

    Willena Flewelling

  7. Hi Laura,
    I found this article and the others it directed me to, to be wonderfully informative! Very helpful information indeed.
    Thank you!

  8. Hi Laura,

    I was clueless what this meant when I first started blogging. But once I learned the value behind anchor texts, bye bye generic links in my post :). It’s a good idea to use it to link previous posts and in your author’s byline if you’re using article marketing.

    Thanks for this great post!

    Janette Stoll

  9. Hi Laura,

    Great reminder to pay closer attention to our anchor text. You are right on that this is very important for SEO and I’m sure that many will appreciate your reminder and terrific referral. Thanks.

  10. Hi Laura,

    Nice piece of content on anchor text. So important for people to use for linking and backlinks. Use anchor text on internal blog pages and posts as well as any external content you have syndicated. You’ve laid out the basics here nicely.

    Mike Sweeney – TSA

  11. Choosing the right keyword for the link that is added on it is very important for blog readers/visitors would love to read more valuable and relevant contents. Thanks for sharing such great info like this.

  12. Hi Laura

    Thanks so much for this great information. I learned some new stuff about anchor text and am going to stay plugged in to you and Anna Hoffman!
    Laura Morris

  13. Hey Laura,

    Great Post and a good reminder of why Anchor Text is so important….

    These are critical factors in building your search engine rankings and targeting specific keywords.


  14. Like mot people I viewed Anchor text as a way to improve the appearance of my link. After reading this post and getting Ana Hoffman’s book my eyes have been open to the vast ways Anchor text can be beneficial.

    Perry A Davis Jr
    Music City USA

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