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What is the number one key ingredient to being a successful recruiter in the network marketing industry? Is it being a good “salesperson”? Absolutely not. Unfortunately this is too often what most people think when they’re not getting the results they want. “Oh I’m just not a good salesperson” “I’m just not good at convincing people” Well, surprisingly that is actually a good thing. The last thing your prospect wants is to be sold.
So, if trying to “sell” and “convince” your prospect is your approach or if that’s how you’re coming across — STOP! You are going about it all wrong and are actually wasting your time. Yes, you may have marginal success by “selling” or “convincing” someone here and there BUT is that what you really want? Do you want people in your organization that you have to “sell”? Absolutely Not! Quite simply, if you have to “sell” someone to join, you’ll have to continue “selling” them to build their business and what happens is they won’t, will quit….. it’s a vicious cycle and you just end up “spinning your wheels”.
Of course working on your skills in prospecting and recruiting is a given. You have to constantly be working on and developing those skills. However, it’s important that you’re working on developing the “right” skills.
So, first off, if you’re in the network marketing industry and you want to be successful at prospecting and recruiting, you need to first understand that you’re not in the convincing business; you’re in the sorting business. Amateur’s convince; Professionals sort.
But aside from developing the right skills, it all boils down to the key ingredient. What IS the key ingredient? It’s very simple. The key ingredient is – It’s NOT About YOU!; It’s NOT about YOU! It’s not about what you want, it’s not about what you see, it’s not about what motivates you…. It’s NOT about YOU!!! It’s ALL about THEM! So take yourself out of the equation and develop your skills in how to discover what your prospect wants and you do that by learning how to ask genuinely curious questions with your focus always on your prospect.
Your prospect is looking through THEIR eyes, NOT yours. The ONLY thing that matters to them is what THEY want. So, what is your prospect looking for? What is important to them? What do they want? What do they NOT want?
Your prospect has a dream for their life and you must look through their eyes and see what they’re looking to happen in their life. Only then will be able to show them how what you have to offer can get them what THEY want.
When you take the focus off of you and put it onto your prospect and be genuinely interested in them and looking to improve their life and get them what they want, that’s where YOUR success will come from. THAT’s the key ingredient to successful prospecting and recruiting.
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Below you will find miscellaneous Free Tools to help you with your business or to use for whatever you wish.
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