Network Marketing Recruiting Basics
In Network Marketing, the most important skill-set you need to develop and master is prospecting and recruiting.
Hmmmmm…. What magic words can I say to a prospect that will get them to enroll? You pondered this question, yourself, before, haven’t you? Come on! admit it LOL you did, didn’t you? Okay I’ll confess I’m Guilty! I did…. in the beginning anyway.
But seriously, maybe you’ve been building your business for some time now and you’re able to enroll new recruits pretty effortlessly. Or maybe you’ve been in business for some time now and you are STILL struggling to enroll new business partners. Or maybe you’re somewhere in between. Whatever the case may be, here are the magic words to say that will get you enrollments…
You can have the best script in the world but if you don’t have the correct posture when talking to a prospect, it doesn’t matter what you say because they don’t’ really hear the words anyway. If you’re reluctant, THAT’S what they hear. If you’re excited, THAT’S what they hear. If you’re unsure of yourself, THAT’S what they hear. If you’re confident, THAT’S what they hear. I think you get the picture.
So find a script, a good script [see below] that you’re comfortable with (fits your personality) and practice it over and over and over until it becomes second nature to you. Then focus your energy on mastering the following:
There you have it. Developing the proper mindset and posture are the “magic” and you get them through continuous personal development, training and practice, practice, practice.
Well, that’s my 2 cents for the day. 🙂 What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? I’ve love to hear your feedback. Please leave a comment below and also share with your network of friends and associates. Happy prospecting….
In Network Marketing, the most important skill-set you need to develop and master is prospecting and recruiting.
The goal behind making telephone calls to your prospects is not for you to be doing the “selling”.
Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram Pinterest Many of the old-school selling ideas no longer apply to today’s well-informed, busy, and discerning prospects. If you’re relying on
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32 Responses
One’s attitude certainly makes a difference in everything! Especially in business as well.. great post!
Hi Laura, Really fun post. It’s totally true – sometimes you feel that there are “magic words” and that can pop up in your brain even if you know that there really are none. Your points that what they hear and see is what you’re actually projecting is definitely true. And these days if my head isn’t right or I can’t project the attitude I need for some other reason – like a family crisis – I just don’t market then, there’s no point. Once I can be refocused and energized again is when I act now. It works a lot better than anything that happens when I try to connect with others when I’m not really present for it. Thanks for this refreshing post – Rob
I also agree with you on this. There really are no magic words to get people to do things that you may want them to do. Discussing it with them step by step is really the most sensible and best way to do things. This way, people feel that they still have freedom to decide on whatever they like and also that they have a listener in you as well as a boss. Bosses who listen to their subordinates get a lot more done than bosses who tell their workers it’s their way or the highway.
Laura, thanks for a really great post. I was hoping for some “magic words” LOL, but realized that what you said was much more valuable. Belief & Confidence/Listening Deeply/Trusting. So brilliant. I know those things, but really needed to hear them again. This message was perfect for me today. Thank you!
Peace and Blessings,
Great post. I agree, there are no “magic words” to get the job done. I think it’s more trial and error, practice and learning from others as well. Eventually we find our own way, which may or may not be “magic” for someone else to learn from.
Thanks for sharing,
Great article! I like how you describe we’re the CEO of a major corporation like a Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and to believe it! That does have a big impact on how we carry ourselves. I’ve noticed that prospects are like dogs, they smell fear or uncertainty but once we have the tools and the right mindset that can be eliminated and there’s a better chance of winning over a prospect as a customer and/or partner!
@Trish Kirby, Hi Trish. That’s good! “they smell fear” 🙂 That’s exactly it. If you’re not confident in what you have to offer….
Hi Laura,
I have to admit — I was hoping for magic words! You really drew me into this blogpost. But instead of magic words, we get truth. Much better.
You are so right! Our own attitude can make or break a “sale.” You made a good point about not needing this particular prospect, but having the attitude that there are many more waiting for you. This certainly takes the pressure off the current person. It’s in that way that we can truly focus on the person at hand.
I must admit, I was a bit disappointed that there weren’t these magic words. Even after all this time, several years of building my online business, listening and training with marketing gurus, part of me is still looking for that one simple, quick results tactic. What a great post! You caught my attention, surprised me, and then offered the answer I was seeking – just not the way I had expected it.
Laura, this is great advice. Especially these two points:
Get your head in the right place and Take yourself out of the equation and focus on the prospect.
Thanks for your 2 cents, in my opinion worth more that 2 cents.
Perry A Davis Jr
Music City USA
Good post Laura,
Like you said, of course there are things we can do to be better on the phone, and you are correct, there is no “Magic Words”. When I have a prospect that is saying no to me, that just tells me that they need more info… and that’s my goal at that point.
If that fails… NEXT.
Great blog.
Thanks for the post, Laura.
I am following you from Social moms fallowing site. Hope you can do the same at my site. 🙂
Anna del C.
Author of “The Silent Warrior Trilogy”
@Anna Del C., Thanks Anna, will do!
Hi Laura,
Excellent post with great advise ! The five tips are great and I agree so much of focusing on prospect.
It can be too expensive to keep telling people about my magical product or my best business when we just know each other for the first time.
My style is always building the relationship first. The more often you connect with a prospect, the more open they will be. And it will become easier to sell my idea 🙂
Thank you for sharing, Laura.
@Pearly, Hi Pearly, I agree with that and I do the same. I always start with getting to know my prospect first. That’s really the only way to know if and how what you have to offer can help them reach their goals. Cheers!
Hi there,
I am a new follower from Social Moms. Would love for you to visit my blogs as well:
Happy New Year,
@Karen Stinchfield, Hey Karen, thanks for the follow 🙂
This is a well-written post, and you make an excellent point. Your point about there being no ‘magic’ words applies not just to networking, but also to sales and even working with other blogs. You just have to find the words that fit your situation, your own ‘script’.
BTW, I’m from Twittermoms and I’m following you on GFC.
@Michelle, Hey Michelle. Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to comment. Appreciate it!
Love it Laura! Anyone looking for the secret was probably disappointed. There are no secrets or shortcuts. This is a relationship business and you must speak to people. You can’t hide behind the computer. What works for one person may be different for someone else. Your correct, get a script that works and work it. I use Dani Johnson.
@Golda Smith, Hi Golda. I love Dani Johnson too. A person can learn A LOT from her. I like what you said about not hiding behind the computer because you’re exactly right. Learning how to talk to people is such a critical skill to develop.
I think the magic words are; “There is no such thing as magic”. It is all about hard work and following the kind of advise you five in your post. I think this post begs a followup about pain statements your customer makes and how to incorporate that into your message while staying positive.
@Gary Young- China Sourcing, Thanks for the comment Gary!
Excellent blog post Laura!! I especially liked your point of “Take yourself out of the equation and focus on the prospect. Find out what they want, what motivates them, what they don’t want, etc.” — that is just so true! It’s really not about US, is it? For me, I want to help them prosper, help them succeed, and how can I do that until I know what they want, what their “why” is, and find out where they want to go. Helping others, without exception, helps ourselves!! 🙂
Keep up the great blogging my friend!
My numero uno recommendation is to get some sales training. Either through workshops or books. A little goes a long way. The only thing people want to know is, “What’s in it for me?” So how can you help them get what they want?
I started out networking without any of this knowledge, I wish I would have had this information from the beginning! You have an honest nature and I appreciate it! Thank you for sharing!
@Linda G. Cox, Hi Linda, I appreciate that. Make it a Great Day!
I like point B. Not only finding out what your prospect truly wants by asking questions but listening closely to their answers. That way you can fully understand what they truly want.
@Juniper Currie, Thanks for the comment Juniper!
I enjoyed this post very much! By what you have shared it tells me that yo have been ‘around the block’ awhile:-)…And you know a thing or two about this business. Until one has the proper mindset & confidence this business model will NEVER work!, I guess that is why I have seen totally new folks do really well Because they had the excitement & belief & conversely some more experienced folks never seemed to do well due to the Lack of Belief.
Keep up with good content!
Make it a Blessed week
Matt Geib The Great!
@Matt Geib, Thanks Matt! Oh yes I witnessed that too. Belief and confidence really is the key.
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