What Can a Pit Crew Teach Us About Success in Network Marketing?
So, what the heck can a Pit Crew teach us about Success in Network Marketing? Plenty…
There’s been a flood of attacks on WordPress sites recently (what else is new, huh?!) that you do not want to be a victim of. Fortunately, there are a couple simple actions you can take immediately to greatly reduce your odds of being hit.
One is to install a Free WordPress Plug-In called Limit Login Attempts. It takes less than 5 minutes to install and activate this plug-in to increase the protection on your site.
My hosting provider, Hostgator, also has a post on their blog about this issue with additional steps you can take to protect yourself from these brutal attacks – read it here=> http://blog.hostgator.com/2013/04/11/global-wordpress-brute-force-flood/
Go to the articles now and implement these simple strategies. After you protect your own site, please share this post with your blogger friends so they can do the same.
So, what the heck can a Pit Crew teach us about Success in Network Marketing? Plenty…
I was reading a blog post the other day that had a wealth of really, really, REALLY (did I say, “really”?! LOL) great information – many tips and tricks that I plan on implementing over time.
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